Using Hypothesis

One of the difficulties when writing unit tests is picking input data (or test cases) that expose all of the potential bugs in your code. Often, you write test cases to catch the bugs you know exist (or thought about guarding against), but miss the input that would lead to the bugs that still exist in your code. An alternative to this is property-based testing, where rather than choosing inputs yourself, you let the computer choose inputs for you.

Property-based testing is an alternative approach to unit testing where rather than describing specific input values and the results of executing operations on those values, you instead write a test that should be true of all input data of a certain form, and then let the test framework feed in data until it either finds an example that fails, or runs out of attempts to do so. The grand-daddy of all property-testing libraries is QuickCheck, but re-implementations exist in many languages.

Hypothesis is a library for property-based testing in Python.

This testing technique is most directly applicable to pure functions (where the output of the function depends only on the input), but can be used to generate test data for many other types of tests as well.

For instance, in the edX LMS, we have several functions to encode and decode strings with / in them.

def _quote_slashes(match):
    Helper function for `quote_slashes`
    matched =
    # We have to escape ';', because that is our
    # escape sequence identifier (otherwise, the escaping)
    # couldn't distinguish between us adding ';_' to the string
    # and ';_' appearing naturally in the string
    if matched == ';':
        return ';;'
    elif matched == '/':
        return ';_'
        return matched

def quote_slashes(text):
    Quote '/' characters so that they aren't visible to
    django's url quoting, unquoting, or url regex matching.

    Escapes '/'' to the sequence ';_', and ';' to the sequence
    ';;'. By making the escape sequence fixed length, and escaping
    identifier character ';', we are able to reverse the escaping.
    return re.sub(ur'[;/]', _quote_slashes, text)

def _unquote_slashes(match):
    Helper function for `unquote_slashes`
    matched =
    if matched == ';;':
        return ';'
    elif matched == ';_':
        return '/'
        return matched

def unquote_slashes(text):
    Unquote slashes quoted by `quote_slashes`
    return re.sub(r'(;;|;_)', _unquote_slashes, text)

The tests for these functions list out specific input strings to test on


class TestQuoteSlashes(TestCase):
    """Test the quote_slashes and unquote_slashes functions"""

    def test_inverse(self, test_string):
        self.assertEquals(test_string, unquote_slashes(quote_slashes(test_string)))

    def test_escaped(self, test_string):
        self.assertNotIn('/', quote_slashes(test_string))

(In this snippet, ddt refers to another useful testing library which I might cover in a later post.)

These tests seem fairly complete, but we might worry about whether we got all of the combinations of ;, _, and /, and all of their edge cases.

So, let’s try changing the test to a property based test instead, and see if we can let the computer find better test cases for us.

from hypothesis.testdecorators import given

class TestQuoteSlashes(TestCase):
    """Test the quote_slashes and unquote_slashes functions"""

    def test_inverse(self, test_string):
        self.assertEquals(test_string, unquote_slashes(quote_slashes(test_string)))

    def test_escaped(self, test_string):
        self.assertNotIn('/', quote_slashes(test_string))

Those tests run, and…. all pass.

> python -m coverage run --rcfile=lms/.coveragerc ./ lms test --verbosity=1 lms_xblock.test.test_runtime   --traceback --settings=test
 Running tests for lms
nosetests lms_xblock.test.test_runtime --id-file /home/cpennington/work/edx-platform/.testids/lms/noseids --xunit-file /home/cpennington/work/edx-platform/reports/lms/nosetests.xml --verbosity=1
Creating test database for alias 'default'...
9 tests run in 2.6 seconds (9 tests passed)

How uninteresting. Let’s introduce a bug in the code, to see how the test failure manifests.

     if matched == ';':
         return ';;'
     elif matched == '/':
-        return ';_'
+        return ';;'

Now, we get an interesting failure.

1) FAIL: test_inverse (lms_xblock.test.test_runtime.TestQuoteSlashes)

   Traceback (most recent call last):
    /home/cpennington/.virtualenvs/edx-platform/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/hypothesis/ line 41 in wrapped_test
      test(*(arguments + falsifying_example[0]), **falsifying_example[1])
    lms/djangoapps/lms_xblock/test/ line 22 in test_inverse
      self.assertEquals(test_string, unquote_slashes(quote_slashes(test_string)))
   AssertionError: '/' != ';'

But run the same test again, and it passes! That highlights one of the biggest issues with property-testing, which is that it relies on generating enough input data to catch the bug. As the space of input grows, so does the time it takes to explore it.

With Hypothesis, we can combat this by increasing the number of examples.

from hypothesis.testdecorators import given
from hypothesis.settings import Settings

class TestQuoteSlashes(TestCase):
    """Test the quote_slashes and unquote_slashes functions"""

    @given(str, verifier_settings=Settings(max_examples=1000))
    def test_inverse(self, test_string):
        self.assertEquals(test_string, unquote_slashes(quote_slashes(test_string)))

    @given(str, verifier_settings=Settings(max_examples=1000))
    def test_escaped(self, test_string):
        self.assertNotIn('/', quote_slashes(test_string))

Now the test consistently detects our bug (the number of examples and test timeout can both be tuned to limit the amount of time spent in the test suite).

An advantage to this randomized testing over our fixed list of strings is that it will test characters that we might not have thought to in our attempt at an exhaustive list. If we change the set of characters used to encode the /, our tests won’t need to change. However, the test is still limited by what characters might be generated by the random data generator. If we switch @given(str) to @given(unicode), the test no longer identifies the bug, because Hypothesis uses a data generator for unicode that includes only numbers and ascii characters (and no symbols such as /). This seems like a questionable choice to me, but was perhaps made to limit the search space to “text-like” strings. There is always a tradeoff between on breadth and depth of the search that property-based testing makes, because there is a finite time to generate new test data. By limiting the number of characters used to generate strings, we can expect to more completely explore the space of a given string length.

One might also consider injecting generated strings into a list of ddt items.

    @data(*(TEST_STRINGS + generate_strings()))
    def test_inverse(self, test_string):
        self.assertEquals(test_string, unquote_slashes(quote_slashes(test_string)))

    @data(*(TEST_STRINGS + generate_strings()))
    def test_escaped(self, test_string):
        self.assertNotIn('/', quote_slashes(test_string))

This would give some of the advantages of using property based testing. However, one facility that this wouldn’t provide is test-case shrinking. Hypothesis, like QuickCheck before it, will attempt to reduce your test cases for you, when it finds a failure, to find the smallest possible counterexample for the property. This is important, especially when your test generation code can potentially produce very, very large input data initially.

I think that Hypothesis may have a place in the edx testing ecosystem. The methods covered in this post would benefit, and there are likely other properties that we could test as well, especially with a little investment in data generation. For instance, we could generate random courses with the installed XBlocks, and validate that import/export are inverses. We might also be able to test stateful code using Hypothesis’ stateful testing mechanism (which I hope to explore in a future post).